About Us

Welcome to LongLivePaw, a pet supply collection store dedicated to creating a utopia of human-pet interaction!

Our Mission

Here, we're not just a pet supply store; we're also a community filled with love and care. Our philosophy is to elevate the relationship between humans and pets to a whole new level, creating a symbiotic utopia where interactions between humans and pets become richer, more enjoyable, and more meaningful.

Our Products

In our brand, we are committed to providing you with high-quality and practical products, while also emphasizing the concepts of niche designers. We carefully select each product to ensure that they not only have excellent quality and reliable performance but also unique designs and innovative concepts.

By collaborating with niche designers, we bring you a range of unique and personalized pet products, from clothing to everyday items, to toys and decorations. We strive to meet your pursuit of quality and aesthetics as much as possible.


Thank you for choosing our brand. Let's work together to create a better utopia of human-pet symbiosis!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to communicating and collaborating with you!